Empowering Young Voices: Breaking Cultural Barriers and Nurturing Children’s Mental Health

8th February 2024

In Conversation with:

  • Vernon Samuels, Parent Engagement Officer, Young Minds
  • Ekanem Robertson, Child protection community Lead, Afruca
  • Stevie Goulding, Senior Manager, Parents and Carer Services, Young Minds
  • Agnes Wood, Research Assistant, COMIC, Leeds and York NHS Trust.


Ever wondered how your child’s voice shapes their mental well-being?

Is your Child/Teen Struggling to Express Themselves?

The Children’s Mental Health Week 2024 theme is ‘My Voice Matters’. This theme highlights the importance of self-expression for children’s mental health. Parents and families play a critical role in providing a safe environment for children to feel empowered and confident enough to find and use their Voice. Stifling a child’s voice could adversely affect their sense of self-worth, mental health and holistic development.

Our host and Parent Team Lead, Dr. Pedi Obani, had an enlightening conversation with experts from top mental health organizations, NHS, and Safeguarding specialists. They delved into real parent-teen communication strategies, recognizing the impact on mental health. The discussions navigated the intricate path of teens expressing themselves and the challenges parents face in supporting them. Practical solutions for fostering open communication and nurturing teen’s mental well-being were explored in-depth.

The webinar discussed:

  • Understanding Children’s Mental Health and the Links to Having a Voice
  • Challenges in Children’s Mental Health
  • Parental Support Strategies

This insightful and informative session is a must-watch for all parents!

Stay informed and empowered!

📽️ Watch the full conversation below:-

Resources for teachers and parents :-


Teaching resources that will enable teachers and youth workers across the country to help young people discover the power of their unique voices through writing and performing poetry. Written by three professional poets, Phil Wilcox, John Bernard and Joelle Taylor


The human voice has been dubbed the mirror to the soul, the carrier of life and death, the organ of the spirit! Our voice has never been heard before nor will it be replicated when we are gone, we can use it to make positive change. Written by three professional poets, Phil Wilcox, John Bernard and Joelle Taylor


Here’s what children and young people told us they need from you. Are you a parent or carer who wants to talk to your child about mental health?
Take a read from Place2Be Parent resources

Concerned about your child's mental well-being?

Afrikindness is here to help. While we don’t conduct mental health assessments, we can provide support, referrals, and guidance on who to contact if you have concerns. We have parent advisors who can provide first-hand support.

If you’ve noticed anything that raises alarm, it’s important to speak up.

Contact your local children’s social care duty team as soon as possible; they’re available 24/7 and even offer anonymous reporting if needed.

In the UK, there is also a crisis text line for immediate support:  Text 85258

Your action can ensure the child receives help promptly.

Have a question or concern? Reach out to parents@afrikindness.org

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