Young Person

Realise your potential and transform into the best version of yourself.

Living authentically means staying true to yourself that brings a sense of purpose, kindness and meaning. Learn how we can help you make a difference in the world around you…starting from you

Ages 15+

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Young Person

The years leading up to adulthood are some of the most crucial in the life of anyone. These are the years where you take steps to become the kind of person you want to be for the rest of your life. There is a dire need for mentorship and the availability of good role model systems for young adults especially those transitioning from other countries. 

We want to make it easier for you to connect with these mentors and role models. We are here to help, to support your transition, and help you make a difference in the world around you.

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‘’Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless’’

– Mother Teresa

I am a Young Person

Accelerate Webinars and Events

Meet a panel of role models, network with others, take part in Afrikindness Accelerate events and webinars, and learn more about the industry and how to navigate life in the UK

Join our free webinar and professional workshop, especially for you.

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Accelerate Team

Join our closed, moderated, and international online network to get advice, support each other, and access opportunities and advice in your professional career.

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I am a Young Person

Access Free Professional Resources

Get free resources and links to professional institutions that promote equality of opportunities for young people.

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