Lord Mayor of Leeds Launches Groundbreaking Community Empowerment Programme to Strengthen Leadership and Unity

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On Saturday, August 24th, the city of Leeds witnessed a groundbreaking gathering as over 17 community and faith groups came together for the launch of the Afrikindness Community Empowerment Programme. This landmark event, designed to enhance leadership and foster community cohesion among minority ethnic communities, was graced by the 130th Lord Mayor of Leeds, Councillor Abigail Marshall Katung.

Her keynote speech on “Empowering Families, Strengthening Community Cohesion: The Pivotal Role of Community Leaders in Supporting Families and Fostering Togetherness within Ethnic Minority Communities” set the tone for the day.

The workshop brought together leaders from diverse organisations including Leeds African Community Trust, Leeds Refugee Forum, Gambian Welfare Society, Sierra Leone Progressive Union, NRSG, Lottery and several faith-based groups such as RCCG Power Connections, RCCG Christ Church, Muslim community, Winners Chapel, AFMIM-UK Church on Mission, Strings of Life, Foursquare Gospel Church, Chosen Church, and Bridge Community Church etc. 

The event marked a critical step toward addressing the challenges that ethnic minority communities face and equipping leaders to make a lasting positive difference. 

The Community Leadership Workshop, themed “Leading with Purpose: Empowering Parents and Strengthening Community Cohesion,” provided an introduction to the Community Empowerment Programme, which features seven major training modules:

  1. Basic Safeguarding: Equipping leaders with the knowledge to protect children and vulnerable adults.
  2. Parenting with Purpose: Providing culturally-sensitive parenting strategies.
  3. Neurodiversity Awareness: Educating leaders to support children with diverse neurological needs.
  4. Mental Health and Wellbeing: Raising awareness and offering support for mental health challenges within communities.
  5. Digital Inclusion: Bridging the digital divide by ensuring all members have access to technology and resources.
  6. Social Services:- Understanding social services and the community

Self-care:- Promoting self-care practices within communities

Addressing Pain Points in Our Communities

The launch of this programme couldn’t be more timely. Recent events and protests across the country have highlighted deep-seated challenges that many families face, especially within minoritised communities. Issues such as misunderstandings with Social Services, rising parental burnout, and cultural clashes leading to tensions between families and authorities have become increasingly common. Many of these challenges stem from insufficient support, communication barriers, and a lack of resources specifically tailored to the unique cultural contexts of these communities.

Parents and families often struggle with the pressures of raising children within complex environments, leading to breakdowns that impact the psychological, social, and mental wellbeing of the entire family. From miscommunication with schools and Social Services to navigating the maze of mental health support, the difficulties are numerous. 

This is where the Community Empowerment Programme steps in.

By equipping community and faith leaders with practical tools, culturally relevant training, and a deep understanding of safeguarding, neurodiversity and wellbeing, the programme empowers them to offer the first line of support to families. These leaders are then better positioned to mediate, advocate, and provide guidance in the areas that most impact families—ensuring that issues are addressed before they escalate into crises.

The event also saw the commencement of the first cohort of nominees who will be undergoing the full training programme from August 2024 to July 2025. These leaders will take part in each of the seven training modules, gaining insights that they will bring back to their communities to drive positive change.

A Powerful Commitment to Community Unity

The launch event began with a powerful keynote address by the Lord Mayor of Leeds, followed by a Community Pledge Ceremony where leaders committed to immediate actions needed to tackle challenges within their communities. The ceremony was a symbolic moment of unity, underscoring the shared vision and commitment among leaders to create lasting change.

The highlight of the event was the presentation of certificates to the first batch of leaders who had completed the Basic Safeguarding Module facilitated by our partner organisation – Voluntary Action Leeds. These certificates were presented by the Lord Mayor, recognizing the leaders’ commitment to community safety and empowerment.

The event was also graced by the former Lord Mayor Councillor Eileen Taylor. It was an honour to have both powerful leaders deliver keynote speeches that emphasised the significance of unity, leadership, and community empowerment within minority ethnic communities.

The workshop also featured interactive sessions on  Parenting with Purpose and Neurodiversity Awareness, addressing the impact of cultural values on parenting styles and educating leaders on supporting neurodiverse children.

Representatives from the Funders of two key Afrikindness projects—The Neurodiversity Community Programme funded by the Sir George Martin Trust and the Purposeful Training and Empowerment Programme funded by The National Lottery Community Fund—were present at the event. Their presence underscored their dedication to supporting grassroots initiatives and highlighted the crucial role that funding plays in driving impactful community-led programs like the Community Empowerment Programme. This level of engagement from funders not only provides essential resources but also reaffirms their commitment to strengthening community cohesion and empowering local leaders.

Key partners like Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust contributed to the event with presentations on community research and youth engagement, while Skills Her Up organisation led a discussion on digital inclusion. 

The workshop concluded with a Self-Care session, reminding leaders of the importance of their own wellbeing as they take on the responsibility of supporting their communities.

In her closing remarks, Councillor Eileen Taylor reflected on the day, highlighting the importance of inclusivity, togetherness, and leadership. 

“True leadership lies in lifting others as we rise,” and communities thrive when every voice is embraced and every leader is empowered. The message of the day left leaders inspired and motivated to drive positive change in their communities.

A Bright Future for Community Empowerment

The Community Empowerment Programme is set to make a significant impact on community groups across Leeds. By offering culturally appropriate and targeted training, the programme ensures that leaders are well-prepared to address the specific needs of their communities. As these trained leaders go back into their communities, they are empowered to initiate change, provide guidance, and offer vital support to parents and families. The programme is not only about training but about creating a ripple effect of positive influence that strengthens entire communities.

For those interested in joining this transformative programme, please view the 

Programme Brochure                                 Training Schedule

For more information, email us at parents@afrikindness.org.

As an African proverb wisely says, “It takes a village to raise a child.” 

This event marked the beginning of a collective effort to build that village—one that is resilient, united, and ready to empower future generations. This event marked the beginning of a journey where empowered leaders will go far—together—building stronger, more resilient communities across Leeds. The impact is already being felt as Batch 1 participants continue to drive positive change, demonstrating that when leaders are empowered, communities thrive.

Together, we are building a brighter, stronger, and more cohesive future for all.

The future looks brighter for our communities, and the journey has just begun.

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